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Research shows that our well-being is strongly influenced by our ability to live a reinforcing life; a life consistent with our values, and a life where we make progress on things that matter to us.  


What it would be like to...


  • Achieve personally meaningful goals

  • Experience greater fulfillment in your work

  • Have better answers to the question, “what are you feeling?” by developing a more rich and nuanced emotional vocabulary

  • Create deeper more meaningful relationships in your work or personal life

  • Know how to manage setbacks while staying on course with things you truly value

  • Reconsider some of the messages you’ve learned about men and masculinity and how they affect you

  • Have a sense of integrity and clear links between your personal values, your goals, and your day-to-day activities


My coaching approach is tailored to your personal needs and often includes elements of:

  • Clarifying Values

  • Goal Setting

  • Social Emotional Skill Development

  • Self-Management / Self-Exploration

  • The Psychology of Men and Masculinity

    Above all else, my coaching approach is grounded in Evidence-Based Knowledge. This is knowledge supported by scientific research rather than personal opinion.  With over three decades of experience studying, teaching, and writing about the psychology of human well-being, I have a deep appreciation for the value of evidence-based knowledge, and a passion for using it to enhance individual fulfillment and life satisfaction.  

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